Friday 6 July 2018

New direction

Hey friends,

I'm looking into changing the content of the blog to serve a bigger purpose. I don't know about you but every time I'm on social media I walk away thinking that I'm somehow behind, whether that's in parenting or life in general. When I started noticing this feeling I realized that complaining wasn't helping. Instead I'd like to be a part of my own solution. We can all agree that the internet is not going anywhere and that social media is firmly a part of our lives and will continue to be so as technology advances. With that, I find it important to learn to have a healthier relationship with the spaces we communicate our lives on.

While thinking about all of the above I thought to make this blog a place of encouragement instead of comparison. And to kick off this experience I'm starting with a series of interviews highlighting ordinary people who have overcome extraordinary phases in their lives.

I'd like each person who reads the blog to walk away feeling either inspired, hopeful and seeing the more positive aspects of their lives more brightly.

Looking forward to hearing your life aha moments!

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