Tuesday 13 September 2016

4am stuff

It's 4am and I just got up.

If there's one thing I'm certain I'm not, it's an early bird. But for the last 2 nights I've been falling asleep at 8pm, clothes still on and everything! Either old age is settling in or mommy fatigue has started to take over.

But now my body is up refusing to go back to sleep. I've enjoyed the restful sleep but I do miss my personal time in the evenings.

So a catch up on our weekend...Urijah had his first talk on Sunday. He spoke to his primary class about preaching the gospel to all the world. Even though I had 2 lessons to teach that day, knowing that he had to stand in front of an audience made me more nervous than anything else. He did very well and sternly suggested that I be there right next to him. He got to a point of realising that the microphone could pick up on his breathing and so he stood for a few seconds, just breathing into it, which I found to be hilarious.

And yesterday was an easy day. I purposely didn't plan any activities because I'm a firm believer of easing into the week. Mondays are for pure lazy behavior here and I wouldn't want it any different. We did manage to do some grocery shopping though.

Have you ever gone grocery shopping with a toddler and a baby? Some trips are truly traumatizing and then there are those awesome trips where everything goes right. Because a shopping trip could go either way, I always try to make sure that they look neat and cute, I've found that strangers can tolerate your kid's loud tendencies if they look super adorable AND clean.

The highlight of my Monday was definitely seeing Zuri fight sleep and we managed to get it on video. It's up on my Instagram @precious.schamel ...it really baffles me as to why babies fight sleep, if someone rocked me, set up my room for adequate relaxation, I'd be the happiest human on earth, but not Zuri. I think she's mostly afraid of missing out on life. Little does she know that her naps are a downtime for all.

And talking about sleep, I should try getting in a few more hours before they get up.

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