Thursday 15 September 2016


This single parenting thing sucks. Period.

Just a few more weeks and we'll be a two parent household again hallelujah! You know when I was little, I used to watch Oprah and hear her go on and on about stay at home mothers. She would speak of them with such high regard and I really didn't get it. I mean, how hard is it to chill at home and look after kids!? Fast forward few some years later and boyyyyy! Even Oprah didn't do it justice. The only way I can explain it is that you're one person trying to keep humans alive, from medical care, to emotional support, being on a constant watch that nobody breaks an arm, playing referee, you're also the entertainer, the audience, the cheerleader, the educator, the spiritual leader, the EVERYTHING. And 99.9% of the time, it's the best job in the world! But then there are those days...

I don't often vent on this space so allow me a second:) so a few days ago Urijah wasn't hearing a word I'd say and Zuri was vehemently trying to get my attention with an ear piercing scream. Just then a shot a glance at the clock and my goodness it was only 9:44am. Nine-freaken-forty-four in the morning! So yeah, we were off to a rough start. The day didn't get much better but we did experience some moments of peace. In their defense I must also add that the kids and I have a cold AND for that reason we haven't left the house in 3 days. So I suppose the behavior can be blamed onto cabin fever.

I snapped this pic below early in the morning during those rare moments of this world of airbrushing, I thought to just post this as it is. Unedited life.

So now as I prepare for bed, I'm praying for a better day where I'm more patient and more focused on honoring their needs as best as I can.

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