Monday 30 September 2013

Those calm moments

It's Monday morning:) hello week. We woke up early this morning and when I say early I mean at the crack of dawn. Baby boy is still having a hard time adjusting to the new time-zone. He woke up at 4:40am. Which, when I think about it, isn't so bad really since the morning before he was up at 4am and refused to get back to sleep. The hardest part was that we had church at 9am. Instead of complaining about the new sleeping pattern we've chosen to make use of the peace and wonders of early rising. And for the first time in my life I scheduled in the busy morning time to watch the sunrise. I guess something about slowing down the pace of life helps you enjoy the little yet magnificent moments. Indeed a good start to the week. Side note: Next time you plan on watching the sunrise, be sure to have on some sunscreen! And my goodness you will need sunglasses too. The art of experiencing this wonder comes with some responsibility as I soon found out. Instead of it being a chilled moment, Robdawg and I found ourselves trying to shield our eyes in makeshift manners as nature attacked us from afar. We both realized that calm moments are enjoyed when prepared. And I think that can be said about most things in life.

Friday 27 September 2013

Greetings from Pueblo

Ah goodness! You have no idea how good it feels to finally be typing this up. The main reason for the outburst of joy is because I've finally recovered my blog password - hallelujah. Have I mentioned how computer illiterate I am? Please note that this is not something I take pride in. I so badly want to act my age and be fully functional in this digital world. Blogging with it's html language has proven to be a step in the right direction. Enough about all that and now onto the good stuff. We've moved! Again! We're happily settling in Pueblo, CO, USA. What a quaint little town, topped with gorgeous 18 century homes and immaculate lawns. Hello suburbia circa 1800. After a 27hrs flight, we're adjusting well even though baby boy still wakes up between 1am and 4am and throws a giggle fest. Poor guy. We promise not to force him to travel for the rest of this year. No road trips, no long flights, nothing. And talking about flights, a quick shout out to the most baby friendly airline...Qatar Airways - we love you. Friendly service and they accommodate all of our needs. And when traveling with a baby, those needs are rather hefty. And can we please talk about how awesome the Doha Airport baby room is! Spacious, colorful, a comfy couch, a play space for your baby, just pure awesome thoughtfulness. Someday soon I may dedicate a post to some info on flying with a baby, it's really not as daunting as it might seem. Ok, back to the now. Robdawg is good and happy to be in the land of all things football. His parents have been beautifying their house which is 113yrs old. Let me repeat that in case it didn't register, one hundred and thirteen years! It's fair to say that 90% of the house is still in it's original state. I sure hope they don't change much because it's really perfect, oak hardwood floors and all. We've been spending a lot of time outside because baby boy is an outdoor kinda of baby. He loves it here, which makes the move all the more worth it. Here's to new beginnings.

Friday 20 September 2013

Change is good

Pictures pictures pictures! Oh how I wish I could post a few pics but unfortunately I can't right now. My internet is terribly slow which is another reason why I haven't posted much this week. Somehow spending an hour or more waiting for pictures to upload is not my idea of fun and fun is important being that my New Year's resolution is to choose happiness. I use the term New Year's resolution quite loosely here since I didn't make any, this idea organically grew in my mind through the year. So far so good. And talking about resolutions, I've been thinking about those things that I've wanted to do since I was 16. It's been 10yrs now and some have come to fruition while others lurk in the depths of my mind. What a perfect time ahead of the move to rekindle with that list and pursue it someday soon. I love how someday soon is non committal with the potential of becoming real, either way there's no guilt there - another resolution. I figure by living authentically there's less opportunity to put unnecessary pressure on myself. The younger me knows all about pressure. Having started working on tv almost 10yrs ago, I always lived in the future. Constantly planning and waiting for the next moment, hoping that with it will come a feeling of success that will bring joy. As the achievements piled up, that moment continued to allude me. And as a result I placed more pressure upon myself. Even though life has evolved for the good, there's still bad habits that creep up that I'd like to boot. And living for tomorrow is one. I know that there's power in making a sincere decision to change. Change in itself is a life long transition and making that decision steers one in the desired direction. I notice I talk about change a lot. That's because I really don't want to be a prisoner to my bad habits. Whether or not they can be justified is beside the point. And the point being -happiness is a choice. One you make every day.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

11 months and counting

It's baby boy's 11 month birthday today. Isn't it great being him, he gets birthday celebrations every month. And today he got real excited when we sang to him, he generally loves music and dances, or rather bounces, whenever he hears a beat. Attempting to write about how much I love this baby boy would be silly. It's just too intense. A mother reading this understands exactly what I mean. That feeling, that no words can do justice to, that's my love for baby boy. He's such a joy to be around. And thanks to him I've managed to keep in shape without having to join a gym. He's super busy, mischievous at times, talkative like his parents, laughs easily, stubborn as heck, a charmer with a winning smile. One word that describes his little personality is colourful -(Americans read colorful). Talking about the USA, we've been in planning mode. Trying to put together ideas for the coming move. The first time I moved to the States I really didn't know what to expect. And the only person I knew there was Robdawg. But now it's completely different. The main difference being that my reference point has expanded beyond American sitcoms...and I'm married...and there's a baby. And there's things I'm looking forward to like Californian rolls, cheap WiFi, Little Ceasers $5 pizza, Ginger Ale, thrift stores...with that list it's fair to conclude that I do like a bargain! Robdawg has a list too, his looks something like this: Broncos! Payton Manning! Broncos! Payton Manning! Go Broncos! Payton freaken Manning!!! Three exclamations and all. Baby boy doesn't have a list, as long as there's mommy and daddy, his world is alright. And now while he sleeps we're gonna keep the party going - party of two - with some cake and milk. Living on the edge.

Friday 13 September 2013

Conflict resolution

I read somewhere the other day about how you can choose what kind of a day you'll have. And thus meaning you can choose what kind of person you want to become. Often we use the excuse of habit to justify the not so great elements in our personalities. And even worse, we blame others for our shortcomings. If you look a little deeper and set aside pride, you'll be able to see the cowardice behaviour behind those excuses. And if there's one thing I know it's that a bad attitude simply means you're the problem. It's hard for people to change not because change is difficult, because change of personality equals critical self evaluation. And that requires effort and compromise. I used to hate that word - compromise. It has taken a long time to understand that compromise does not mean you're losing out on something, it's an opportunity to gain a better relationship with those around you. Once you set aside selfish desires, you'll find it's easy to compromise when you're in a loving relationship. The comfort and security of an eternal companionship helps you want to be better for one another. I think I've mentioned it before how I love being married to Robdawg. As imperfect as I am, he helps me work towards becoming the kind of woman I've always wanted to be. I'm not there yet but that's ok because with daily small steps I know that Heavenly Father sees my efforts. And by trying hard to have an eternal perspective, you'll find more than one reason to make your home a conflict free zone. "...And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things." 1 Nephi 16:29

Thursday 12 September 2013

Young & Restless

There's been some major decisions being made in the Schamel household. The biggest being that we're moving back to the US in a month or so. It's been wonderful to step out of our everyday lives and take some time to reflect. Although we had originally planned to stay in South Africa, we've come to realize that it's not time yet. We love this country and know that one-day it will be home again. That's the beauty of youth! You think and do! And sometimes you do without over thinking! I hope that Robdawg and I never lose that spirit. We are dreamers:)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Big & Small

Exactly a year ago Robdawg and I were in a car accident. I was 8 months pregnant at the time which made the experience all the more frightening. We were hit by a drunk driver and later found out that she was a young single mother who lived across the road from our apartment. I don't often think about her but whenever I do, I hope that she's made better choices since that night. We lost our first car but are thankful to be alive. In an effort to maintain a spirit of gratitude in my heart, I've chosen to take a moment every night and list what I'm grateful for. In doing so I can then vividly see the hand of the Lord in our lives. Counting your blessings, big and small, can really put things in perspective. Here's my list for today: 1) I love the sound of Robdawg's laughter, it always makes me happy to hear him laugh. 2) I listened to baby boy singing yum yum yum as he ate his dinner. I love how he enjoys his meals. 3) My mother is so thoughtful, she's often an answer to a prayer. Mind you they're not always this sentimental, sometimes it's as simple as being grateful for having the bathroom light fixed. Hooray! One can now finally shower in the evening!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Baby boy

Baby boy insisted on using me as a pillow last night. I think it had something to do with him not taking a nap in the afternoon. We had to forego the at-home-in-bed nap for an on-the-go-on-mommy's-back snooze. I'm pretty rigid with his routines because then it makes life easier for all but this was a special occasion. The sun was out and the beach was calling. We're beach lovers. The smell of the ocean just relaxes me, a time well spent indeed and now I'm happily paying for it with sore shoulder. He's such a trooper. And I have a lot to thank him for. At 10 months he's taught me to be a better me. Lessons from baby boy: 1) there's great value in an afternoon nap, for mommy and baby 2) always make time for play 3) procrastination leads to anxiety...he's helped me become a person who gets things done. I love my baby boy

Monday 9 September 2013

Stresses & happiness

I'm excited about this week. Even though there's things that creep up that try to make one worry, I refuse to obey the negative. I'm standing firmly, cementing my feet in the truth. By working hard, doing my best and following the commandments with exactness, I know that we shall be blessed in all things. Robdawg always jokes about my love of the "old". Old music, old movies and old people. I'm fascinated by those who've lived and experienced. I learn a lot from their lessons and I'm often inspired by the simplicity of life before microwaves. Even though the world has evolved in terms of technology and science, the fundamentals still stay true. True happiness is found in love. That no matter what life throws at you, you can endure with the support of a loving spouse. And for this I am grateful. "One of the challenges of this mortal experience is to not allow the stresses and strains of life to get the better of us—to endure the varied seasons of life while remaining positive, even optimistic." - Elder Tom Perry

Saturday 7 September 2013


My 16yrs old cousin is visiting for the weekend. She's one of those calm people with a very kind heart. Baby boy adores her and so do we. And I unashamedly speak in "we" because I love being married. We celebrated her arrival by making burritos for dinner. The best part of making this dinner is seeing the creases on Robdawg's forehead as he concentrates while cutting up the tomatoes. The kind of thing that makes you smile inside.

You know what, in future I think I should write less about him because I tend to get sidetracked.

Now where were we? Ah, ok so about hosting a guest. I haven't had much opportunity to do this. The first time someone stayed over was my dear friend Thato. We lived in California at the time and I had just given birth 3 weeks prior. As you can imagine, dazed and fatigued would be the best words to describe my state of mind. Like a true friend, Thato flew from Switzerland, placed her bags down and did everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. The kind of love one will never forget. Robdawg and I finally got a chance to relax a little. In my more alert state of mind, I'm a perfectionist. I want a person to come into my home and enjoy. I love details. The little things that let you know that we're excited to have you here. And that we've made an effort to cater for your needs and possible wants. And my home truly is your home. I hope that next time we host Thato, she'll see the love we have for her through our thoughtful actions. Because it's true what they say, actions really do speak louder than words.

Thursday 5 September 2013

I see you

I'm that girl who strikes up conversations with strangers. I won't say I do it all the time, it depends I guess on my mood, the recipient's facial expression and the place. Don't stress, I'm not one to chitchat in the lady's room. Which I might add is where the best conversation eavesdropping can be had. People's stories and lives interest me. The way we relate to one another interests me. I enjoy people watching and the grand prize is finding the story behind the face. Today we met a guy selling artwork at a beach close by. I asked if I could take a picture of the artwork for my blog. It was a gorgeous sign written Family-Love-Life. The kind of decoration you'd imagine seeing in a holiday beach home. The best I can do is give a description since dude refused my request. With good reason though, adding that if a picture is taken, one could replicate his work. True. Even though I understood his point I pushed that I wasn't artistic at all and although I wasn't buying either, I did want to capture his creativity. Dude stood his ground by replying that he can tell an artist when he sees one. Really? I thought, how flattering. Because honestly, I'm useless at crafty artsy stuff. He continued by telling me that he was from Senegal, traveled the world and has therefore acquired a skill of learning people by appearance. I gave myself a once over trying to see how he saw me. How did he come to the conclusion that I was artistic? Was it the scarf? The black cardigan? The knee high boots? The skinny jeans? The face with no make up? Or was it the just-rolled-out-of-bed messy buzz cut hairstyle (forgot to do a mirror once over before leaving the house-how tragic)? Whatever it was, art selling dude reminded me that as I see him, he sees me too. Which made me think about how we portray ourselves. How funny that he saw how I'd like to be seen. Even though I may not be able to recreate that gorgeous sign, he was right, I am an artist.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

My life...

Robdawg aka husband & our baby boy
My favourite men enjoying the view in my favourite city in the world.

Everyone has that place that no matter where you are in the world, you always plan on coming back, if you don't, you should. Why? Because it's cool to be dreamy like that. A place with beautiful memories that still holds the potential to create more. For me, that's Cape Town. Not only did I grow up here but it is where I met the awesome Robdawg.

I love this city.

Wherever you find yourself, no matter your circumstances, you can't but marvel at the sheer  grandeur of the Lord's creation. Table Mountain has been my constant reminder to take it easy, that life is not to be rushed. I sip it slowly and savour every moment like a warm hot chocolate on cloudy morning in July.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

A peace of mind

There's something beautiful about having obtained a peace of mind. The kind of peace that allows you to sigh with a smile. That's exactly what's been on my mind lately. Making decisions that leave me sighing with a smile. It's not as automatic as I'd like it to be but I'm grateful for the effort. Today was one of those days... Robdawg, baby boy and I have a few weeks to hangout and enjoy some family time without having to rush our lives. This is a transitional period for us as we set up the next chapter of the Schamel adventures. 2013 has been a busy year for us, from a USA mini roadtrip to moving countries. Cape Town, South Africa, with all it's magnificence, has allowed us a chance to reflect. And to see that "God is in the details of our lives". That knowledge continues to intensify the peace settling in my heart.

Monday 2 September 2013

The cook in me

In my dreams I'm a chef. I whip up simple healthy meals with whatever is at hand. In reality I'm a wife with a very kind husband. He seems to enjoy every disaster created in our kitchen. His first love is fast food so really I don't have much competition there. Example: tonight I had these grand plans of throwing together a decent meal of squash, basmati rice and grilled chicken. Simple enough right? Wrong. The squash overcooked and ended up needing to be tossed as it looked slightly off. The rice resembled mashed potato (my husband's words, not mine) while the chicken was forgotten in the oven. So we blessed the food and enjoyed good conversation with baby boy.

Boom there it is!

I woke up this morning with a burning desire to blog. It could be because it's now officially spring, or that I've put it off for some time. Well, actually, the real truth is that I've attempted to blog before and as my husband puts it "it fizzled out". What's different this time you ask? The desire! All I want and plan to do is to keep a record of the beauty in my life, my family. Now that I think about it, the word should be, purpose. The purpose is different. Well whatever it is "boom there it is" I'm blogging. Did I mention that it's finally spring! And yes, the sun is out. I had a few days of worry as my husband (referred to from from now on as robdawg) stood by the window saying "how am I supposed to go outside when even the seagulls are struggling to fly". That was almost a week ago and it's my pleasure to announce that the seagulls are happily flapping about. We're blessed to be living 100m from the beach,yes we measured the distance. It's temporary and mighty glorious! Will post some fun in the sun pics in the next few days. Instead of just writing about this incredible weather, inspiring topic for a first blog, I'm actually gonna go enjoy some family time. Later