Thursday 26 March 2015


You know something. I once promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those people who disappear and forget to add to their blog.

Well, life happens. And boy did life happen. For the privacy of my family I will not go into details. What I will say is that there has been a lot of growth and maturing on my part. Heavenly Father has been there with me every step of the way reminding me that I am a warrior, a conqueror and I am made for great things. And that is where we shall leave it.

We've turned a new leaf, there's a brand new chapter being written in our young family's life. We now live in a tiny town in Colorado called Sterling. So tiny, so quiet and what a healthy change from the busy life in Denver. It has taken a while to settle in, in fact, we're still settling in and my mother in law has been kind enough to help me with decorating ideas.

And I know everyone is dying to hear about little baby boy. He's good. He's perfect as always, up to no good but entertaining us in the process. Life with him is quite an adventure and potty training is ummm, well, let's just say that he'll be out of a diaper by 5yrs of age, I can only hope. Dear husband is good too, he loves loves loves his new job and he's working hard to be the best at what he does. 

And moi. Well, this little old lady is now 28yrs old!!! Can you believe it!? I'm just one year away from my dream age. But the real news is that I AM 23wks PREGNANT! So soon we will be welcoming baby Schamel #2. 

And that is what we've been up to:) Hopefully it won't take another 3 months before I write again:)

Do catch me up on your life happenings!