Monday 8 December 2014

A Monday post

Feeling a little sick these days so I won't be writing much. But I wanted to note down a few things that have made me considerably happy.

1) Baby boy now peels his own naartjies (clementines). He usually stands in the kitchen throwing the peels in the sink. It's a painstakingly long process for him and I just sit there and watching knowing how proud he will be with the finished result. Once the hard work is done he walks over to me and says "I peeled it MYSELF mommy".
2) Every time a song comes on the radio baby boy announces that it's his "favourite song" or "this is my song". Then he instructs both his dad and I to dance and of course he leads the way.
3) Dear husband is stepping into a career that he loves which makes me very happy and incredibly proud of him.
4) I attended another girl's night out over the weekend and once again it needs to be said how wonderful it is to be surrounded by genuine, smart, spiritual, kind, loving women.
5) With all the changes swimming around our lives these days, it gives me comfort to remember that Heavenly Father is mindful of us at all times.

Here's to a calm week ahead!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Weekend overview

Over the weekend our family spent some time looking for a house at the little town where we'll be living. 

Since the place is about 2hrs away from where we currently live, we decided to stay at a hotel in order to maximize our house hunting time. And oh boy did we have ourselves an interesting experience. Firstly, being cramped in one hotel room with a 2yrs old is one heck of a challenge. He thought the room was a big play house as everything was at his reach. The night times were even more eventful as dear husband and I attempted to keep baby boy's sleeping schedule. It didn't happen. Even with the lights off he jumped up and down the bed for what felt like hours. But it's not all bad news, baby boy and dear husband were able to have some bonding time at the hotel's indoor pool. I took advantage of the quiet moment by taking a much needed nap. At the end of our stay we managed to find a place to live, nothing is solid yet as we're still looking and hopefully something better will be available in the next few weeks. Husband starts his new job at the beginning of January so there's not a lot of time to be fussy. The month of December means packing and loading our lives in a U-haul truck all the way to our new home. 

A lot of changes ahead. Good changes. 

Monday 1 December 2014


We're moving! 

To a little town that looks like Queenstown (EC, South Africa), it smells like manure and we couldn't be happier. Dear husband will be starting his career there so life is pretty exciting right now.

Happy week to all.