Tuesday 28 January 2014


Blog upgrade in progress. Bare with me. A lot of html craziness going on.

Monday 27 January 2014

Dreams of today and tomorrow

Feeling inspired write a list.

Within a day I probably make a minimum of three separate lists. I'm a firm believer in placing memory on paper. Even though I tend to forget that I've even written a list altogether. So I bought a note book to keep the noting in one place.

Rarely do I ever accomplish all that I write down but hey, effort is the name of the game.


  • See Elton John in concert
  • Watch Celine Dion live in Vegas (that's if she's still even there)
  • Attend a historical event - presidential inaugaration...something of the kind
  • Make a YouTube video and actually post it
  • Kiss Robdawg at the top of the Eiffel Tower - yes yes I'm a cliche romantic, candlelit dinners and all
  • Spend my 30th birthday New York
  • Take a month long family holiday to Morocco
  • Obtain that darn degree!
  • Build our dream home


  • Be an answer to a prayer
  • Have more kids
  • Serve diligently at church, in the community and at home
  • Use my talents for good doing
  • Follow through with promises
  • Learn to be kind and forgiving to myself and others 
That's the list for tonight:) 



They weren't really in the bushes but somehow ended up there under baby boy's supervision. I actually found them safely tucked under the bed in Tye & Roberta's guest room.

All of you folks who walk around with a good eyesight, oh how you have no idea how lucky you are.

And I now feel lucky to be able to see again.

 Happy Monday

Friday 24 January 2014

Recipes & breastfeeding

I should be studying right now. I slept at 3:35am last night busy doing school work. My mind is mush and all I want to do is sleep.

Baby boy just finished nursing so he's busy taking a nap. A much needed nap considering he's crazy early mornings lately. 6:30am that kid is up and ready for the day. He's a happy person so it's all smiles and hellos to dada before going to work. Only thing out of my mouth at that time is uh huh, ya, no, ok, oh, huh. 6:30am! The mind, well my mind anyway, doesn't start functioning before 8:30. But somehow we manage.

Even though I don't enjoy waking up early, I sure do love a good breakfast. I was telling my mother in law about how breakfast should be three courses. Yum. And since every day is carte blanche around here, I make an effort to make some meal times special. By special I mean spicing up hot cereal. The recipe, ahem self invented, is simple and so good and baby boy loves it too. This is saying a lot since figuring out what to feed him in the mornings is a daily challenge, he prefers lunches and dinner.

Hot cereal: (serves 2

1) 4 TSP of oats/oatmeal
2) 1 TSP of honey
3) 1/2 cup of milk
4) a pinch of salt
5) 11/2 cup of water
6) 1/2 banana (chopped slices)
6) small pot

1) Pour water in pot and bring to boil
2) Add the salt followed by the honey and mix
3) Lower to medium heat and add oats/oatmeal
4) Add banana and mix together
5) Let it simmer for 10mins
6) Add 1/4 cup of the milk

Serve (use the rest of the milk to cool your meal down so you can eat it while it's still warm)

Alright well the books are calling.

Ps: I'm an outspoken breastfeeding NINJA - my husband says I love it more than the baby, either way I wanted to start documenting this beautiful experience with images because I know it's gonna end soon *sobs*


Wednesday 22 January 2014

Life Lately pt2

It's quite possible that I've lost my glasses. Again. This is not good considering my terrible eyesight. I know someone out there is probably thinking that maybe I should get contact lenses.  Maybe I should. Especially considering that this is the 3rd pair of glasses I've lost in 4yrs. I used to lose phones a lot. And now I've upgraded to losing glasses. When the last pair disappeared I was truly devastated. You see I have a fairly small face and that particular granny-esq pair fitted the shape of my face perfectly. Oh how I loved those glasses. I secretly hope these ones are really lost so I can get a more functional pair - the current ones give me no peripheral view. Sigh.

So I wanted to continue the Life Lately post because I'm still playing catch up. And in these pics you'll spot baby boy eating ice cream. That's his first time eating ice cream on a cone. A special moment considering how much he loved it and how much his mama loves ice cream. Dear Robdawg surprised us yesterday afternoon by popping in at the library right after work. Of course I wasn't expecting him since he also had school later. But I'm sure glad he came through. It was a scene out of a movie I tell you. By this I mean the library was crowded with parents and kids. And I was concentrating on stopping baby boy from throwing Lego blocks at another kid. Just then his face lit up as he squealed DADA! I turned and the crowded room became silent as dear husband walked over to hug the happy baby. Ah. That made me feel so good. We hung around for a little while longer playing peekaboo before crossing the street for an afternoon treat.

Yesterday was indeed a perfect day. It ended with lots of reading. One of the classes I'm taking is on American History and to say that it's challenging would be putting it mildly. But one thing I'm noticing is that suffering is universal. And that just like South Africa and many other countries around the world, the history of the US is riddled with blood, sweat and tears. Literally. Not only am I understanding the history of this land a little better but I'm also becoming more culturally and socially aware. I guess this is one of the reasons why it's important to get an education. Gosh, who knew;)

Talking about education, I've got a test to study for.

And here is what life looks like lately:

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Life Lately

Playing Catch up

January has become a weekend away month.

We've been spending lots more time with our friends Tye and Roberta up in Denver which has been good for the soul. We also managed to get a few things done such as going to the temple (as mentioned last week) and finally getting our car fixed - it was dented from an accident, we weren't the ones driving it, long story, one that will probably never be spoken of on this space. In the end it was a big lesson in forgiveness and ultimately a blessing in disguise.

Fast forward to last Saturday: Turns out Tye is quite the wizard when it comes to motor vehicles. Him and Robert (aka husband) spent their Saturday working on our car while Roberta and I spent about 3 hrs at Goodwill. There was a 50% sale, at GOODWILL! 3 hrs turned out to be way too short but my dear friend is pregnant so she needed to pace herself. And there was lots more to do with our day, a birthday party, I had some American history homework and later there was a girl's night out. Plus our husbands were calling asking when we'd be back - we had left the kids with them. Shopping without kids is just so wonderful. And shopping minus husbands is just pure bliss. As much as I adore both husband and baby boy, I firmly stand by both those previous statements.

Now a quick word regarding thrift stores. A full proof tried and tested guide to brilliant finds is to a) shop at thrift stores in well-off areas (the items are less worn) and b) go for either vintage, designer clothing or good quality basic items. I know second time around type of clothing isn't for everyone, I used to be that person and now buying clothes at the full store price is not that much fun. In fact it makes me sick to my stomach, especially when you consider what it might look like after a few rounds in the washing machine. So for such reasons (plus the helping people in need reason) my family will continue to support stores such as Goodwill by both donating and buying.

From clothing to body. Waaaaaaait! Before I go there, let's take a moment to congratulate the Denver Broncos for making it to the Super Bowl. While Roberta, myself and the kids were at the park Sunday afternoon, we heard shouts and screams coming from the house. And as the neighborhood erupted in celebration (fireworks and all) we knew why the husbands were screaming: THE BRONCOS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL! That's about all that would come out of their mouths. And dear Robdawg lost his voice in the process. Last time I saw anyone this excited was when it was announced that the 2010 Soccer World Cup would be hosted in South Africa. So in case you didn't know how important football was to my husband, now you know. PEYTON FREAKIN MANNING - is what he randomly says while doing the dishes, driving, at the dinner table, doing homework, changing baby's diaper...you get the point. The next two weeks are going to be pure electricity. Nerves and excitement. For the sanity of my home and the happiness of my life, I sure pray those Broncos whip the socks off whomever the heck they'll be playing - I think it's the Seahawks - you know, the ones who look like purebred arabian horses. Well I suppose I might watch, it'll be far too loud to nap.

Now what was that I was saying about clothing and body? It seems far less exciting now. I started yoga blah blah. It was slightly boring but I hear it gets more challenging with time. On a more positive side, about an hour after the class I felt incredibly rejuvenated and had the best sleep I've had in a while. Even though I may not be a "let mother earth support you" kind of gal, I'll be at the next class.

And before I end this, a HAPPY belated 17th birthday to the sweetest girl in the Southern Hemisphere. Zintle aka the Zinsta! You, my girl, are awesome personified.

Now time for lunch. Ps: it's blazin'hot here today. Baby boy and I are gonna go get some ice cream in a moment. Lunch is amagwinya with spaghetti sauce filling #YUM.


Tuesday 14 January 2014

Flying Emotions

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so, school is in session. Well what I mean is that school has changed our life schedule.

After work today Robdawg had to attend class and even though I'm doing online classes I still have to keep on top of things as there are deadlines not to be missed - phew, long sentence. Listen to me speaking about classes and such. Aaaahhhh how comforting it is to know that we're FINALLY getting an education. I need to write all of these positive feelings down so that I can look back on them one day when I've got some impossible mathematics test to study for. I hear Maths is easier to understand when you're an adult. When I say "I hear" I'm really just "hoping".

A lot of positive emotions flying about.

Baby boy is curled up next to me snoozing away while I eat my chocolate without him. I have to find a better spot to hide my treat stash. I few weeks ago I found a humming baby digging deep into my Lindt! And that's the really good chocolate only meant to be eaten on special occasions or as a pick me up after a super bad day. Even though a little disappointed, I bit my tongue and nestled myself next to him and together we munched away. He humms when eating. Probably one of my favorite little sweet things about this kid.

Ah we also visited the pediatrician earlier this afternoon. There was a bit of a word exchange there as the nurse tried to argue that baby boy was up to date with his shots, which he wasn't. This has been an ongoing thing and it's weird how sometimes medical folks will use real fancy jargon to make you think they always know better. I'll admit they know a whole lot more than I do, but I know my kid more than any nurse and their mama. Anyway! So because of the move from the USA to SA then back to the USA, there's been some (unnecessary) confusion regarding baby's shot record. So it's been a back and forth situation with this particular office and today I decided to stand my ground. After all this is my kid and if I don't use my mommy power, who will? The story concluded with the doctor apologizing to me on behalf of all involved. And now baby boy is all caught up! Hooray!

Wherever you are in the world, what ever the time, make it count.


Monday 13 January 2014

Temple !hooray!

The start of a new week. Full of promises and hope. And I hope your weekend was worth remembering. Mine certainly was.

On Friday we took a 2hrs journey to visit our lovely friends whom I've mentioned here before. We love spending time together and wish we lived closer so we could hang out as we once did when Robdawg and I first lived in Colorado. Alas life happens and changes occur and so we must adapt.

The big highlights of the weekend was first seeing baby boy becoming more social with other kids. The three boys played so well together which made for a restful time away. It kinda made me think that maybe baby wouldn't mind a sibling. Hmmm...l've always liked the idea of two kids. Yet there was a crazy time in our engagement when I thought seven kids sounded good. Crazy. After giving birth I figured we could settle for four. Now I'm playing with the idea of just two. We'll see. Our friends are pregnant with number 3 and she makes pregnancy look like a breeze "Oh no big deal just busy growing a human here". She's looking gorgeous, no morning sickness, fantastic skin and wearing heels. Ok I admit I also had a breezy pregnancy but only after navigating a challenging first trimester.

All this pregnancy talk is making one broody!

Moving along.

The other big, actually massive, highlight was finally going to the temple. Finally! We had been wanting to attend the temple for the last 6 months. Plans fell through as obstacles kept on piling up. But by golly I was determined more than ever to be in that temple during the first month of this year. It was a come what may situation, with faith and lots of action the goal was finally achieved. And what a spirit filled experience it was. Especially because this was the temple where we had been sealed for time and eternity. My heart skipped as we walked past that very same sealing room. I cannot thank our friends enough for agreeing to babysit baby boy for us.

Needless to say that life once again has more perspective. Challenges which had seemed monumental before have taken a backseat. And gratitude is in the forefront. And I pray that this year we can make regular temple attendance a priority. One of my many resolutions. And this one can be achieved.

If you're busy reading this and thinking "temple? Huh???" Go to this link and you'll get a little more insight as to what I'm going on about.


And if you're still feeling "huh?". Drop me an email and I'll answer your questions as best as I can.

Happy week ahead and hopefully we're all doing our best with those New Year resolutions. And at the same time being especially kind and forgiving to ourselves and others.

Peace ya'll (said in my best southern accent).

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Bread and stuff

I'm a student! As in a student in college. Robdawg and I finally decided to follow through and get our lives in order. We're getting an education! YES YES YES!

I'm a little excited. Can you tell?

Saturday was freezing and I spent most of the day attending orientation. Then I finalized my classes. Dear husband had to do the same thing which meant that the good Schamel seniors+uncles were on babysitting duty. This was of course a challenge since dear baby boy is not too comfortable with the idea of not being around his parents. But I'm happy to announce that all survived. Including moi who's not too keen on being away from the baby.

Live-in babysitters...just one of the perks of the extended family home hub. And we're finally making proper use of it as last night we painted the town red for date night. Ok, we had pizza and headed to Walmart for some grocery shopping. The point here is that we got to spend some time together. And Walmart seems to be our hot spot as I recall being there late on New Year's eve. We're pretty wild like that.

OK so a little wife brag moment: dear husband is starting his new job position on Monday. He got a promotion a few weeks ago:)He's a hard working chap that Robdawg.

Did I mention that it's freezing? It's been snowing and now baby boy and I are stuck indoors. Only thing worse than snow is trying to explain to baby why he can't go outside. Well I suppose he can if I bundle him up but mama don't play that game. Anything lower than 40°F equals death - dramatic, yes, but I'm from Cape Town and we stay indoors when it's cold. End of story.

And now I'm gonna wake this baby up because he's been napping for far too long.

Oh and grandma Schamel now works from home so as the saying goes "many hands make light work". My chores have been halved and to fill the time I've taken to baking more bread. I guess it tastes alright as dear husband has requested isonka samanzi (steamed bread) for his lunch. And as a good wife I gladly obliged. Also because nothing says winter like warm yummy steamed bread.

Ah baby boy just woke up.

Monday 6 January 2014

The Best Time to Plant a Tree

Below is a talk from the silver fox himself aka President Uchdorf. I think I've said it before but I just love reading his talks! His words are simple yet profound. And this talk spoke to my heart. So if you're busy organizing your life or starting something new this year, I have great confidence that these words put in practice will help you achieve your goals.

Happy Monday and Happy reading!


The Best Time to Plant a Tree


In ancient Rome, Janus was the god of beginnings. He was often depicted with two faces—one looking back on the past, the other looking forward to the future. Some languages name the month of January after him because the beginning of the year was a time for reflection as well as planning.

Thousands of years later, many cultures throughout the world carry on a tradition of making resolutions for the new year. Of course, making resolutions is easy—keeping them is a different thing altogether.

One man who had made a long list of New Year’s resolutions felt pretty good about his progress. He thought to himself, “So far, I’ve stuck to my diet, I haven’t lost my temper, I’ve kept to my budget, and I haven’t once complained about the neighbor’s dog. But today is January 2 and the alarm just went off and it’s time I got out of bed. It’s going to take a miracle to keep my streak going.”

Starting Over

There is something incredibly hopeful about a fresh start. I suppose at one time or another we have all wanted to start again with a clean slate.

I love getting a new computer with a clean hard drive. For a time it works perfectly. But as the days and weeks pass by and more and more programs get installed (some intentional, some not so intentional), eventually the computer begins to stall, and things it used to do quickly and efficiently become sluggish. Sometimes it doesn’t work at all. Even getting it to start can become a chore as the hard drive becomes cluttered with miscellaneous chaos and electronic debris. There are times when the only recourse is to reformat the computer and start over.

Human beings can likewise become cluttered with fears, doubts, and burdensome guilt. The mistakes we have made (both intentional and unintentional) can weigh upon us until it may seem hard to do what we know we should.

In the case of sin, there is a wonderful reformatting process called repentance that allows us to clear our internal hard drives of the clutter that burdens our hearts. The gospel, through the miraculous and compassionate Atonement of Jesus Christ, shows us the way to cleanse our souls of the stain of sin and once again become new, pure, and as innocent as a child.

But sometimes other things slow us down and hold us back, causing unproductive thoughts and actions that make it hard for us to get started.

Bringing Out the Best in Us

Setting goals is a worthy endeavor. We know that our Heavenly Father has goals because He has told us that His work and glory is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).

Our personal goals can bring out the best in us. However, one of the things that derail our efforts in making and keeping resolutions is procrastination. We sometimes delay starting, waiting for the right moment to begin—the first day of a new year, the beginning of summer, when we’re called as bishop or Relief Society president, after the kids get into school, after we retire.

You don’t need an invitation before you start moving in the direction of your righteous goals. You don’t need to wait for permission to become the person you were designed to be. You don’t need to wait to be invited to serve in the Church.

We can sometimes waste years of our lives waiting to be chosen (see D&C 121:34–36). But that is a false premise. You are already chosen!

At times in my life I have spent sleepless nights grappling with issues, worries, or personal sorrows. But no matter how dark the night, I am always encouraged by this thought: in the morning the sun will rise.

With every new day, a new dawn comes—not only for the earth but also for us. And with a new day comes a new start—a chance to begin again.

But What If We Fail?

Sometimes the thing that holds us back is fear. We might be afraid that we won’t succeed, that we will succeed, that we might be embarrassed, that success might change us, or that it might change the people we love.

And so we wait. Or give up.

Another thing we need to remember when it comes to setting goals is this: We almost certainly will fail—at least in the short term. But rather than be discouraged, we can be empowered because this understanding removes the pressure of being perfect right now. It acknowledges from the beginning that at one time or another, we may fall short. Knowing this up front takes away much of the surprise and discouragement of failure.

When we approach our goals this way, failure doesn’t have to limit us. Remember, even if we fail to reach our ultimate, desired destination right away, we will have made progress along the road that will lead to it.

And that matters—it means a lot.

Even though we might fall short of our finish line, just continuing the journey will make us greater than we were before.

The Best Time to Begin Is Now

An old proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”

There is something wonderful and hopeful about the word now. There is something empowering about the fact that if we choose to decide now, we can move forward at this very moment.

Now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be—not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity.

Friday 3 January 2014

Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year

A lovely day of getting real dirty.

By the way, baby boy now knows how to say "dirty".

And I admit I'm still to shower and it's nearly midnight...yucky. I use the word yucky so often because baby boy is a real boy who does super yucky things. Like spoon feeding the dog and trying to feed himself right after. He also attempted to eat sand right before he nearly stepped on dog poop. A lot of yucky things going on here. Life with a toddler is some kinda dirty yucky fun.


The above paragraph was written this passed Saturday. Something went wrong while trying to upload. Oh and I've since taken a shower. 5 to be exact.

Alright so happy new year folks.

I'm kind of excited about this year. So excited that I've even continued my ma's tradition of spring cleaning into the new year. Getting rid of things we don't need and opening up room for a calmer less cluttered life. My mom is big on giving away clothing. At the beginning of every year she'd rummage through our wardrobes, move furniture and leave our rooms feeling fresh and clean. The worst of all the spring cleaning was hand washing blankets. Except you don't use your hands, instead you fill a massive tub with water and soap, then (with bare feet) you march for what felt like hours on the drenched blanket. The water is also re filled every so often until the blanket is clean. And the nightmare doesn't end there, once the blanket is clean you have to rinse it off and then two and sometimes three people hold on while twisting it until it's damp. After which it's hung on the wash line. We had many large blankets.

So you can imagine my joy today when all I had to do was place our blanket in the washing machine and press a button.

*Side note: unfortunately the blanket washing torture did happen more than once a year, usually on a Saturday. I sometimes still hear my mother's voice waking us up from downstairs with thorough orders of the chores that lay ahead. And now I'm doing it all voluntarily. Life is so strange. Oh and my ma now uses a washing machine.

Besides all the cleaning, baby boy and I have been spending some time in the backyard. Partly because I don't feel too good (husband caught a cold at work and now he's fine and I'm still in the trenches) and mainly because baby loves being outside. He definitely gets that from his dad because I'm a homebody. And by that I mean staying inside the house. Having a kid will certainly take you out of your comfort zone.

I've also started a new crocheting project. Hopefully it'll become a skirt in the end. Pssd, if you take a look at the previous post you'll see baby boy wrapped in a red blanket while sleeping in his stroller. That's the blanket I made him for Christmas. It kinda became it's own thing, not at all what I'd planned to create and I like it better that way.

Besides crocheting there's also been more cooking. I'm starting to pay more attention to what I put in my body. When I was pregnant I read this quote which helped me stay very healthy throughout the pregnancy "Is this the best spoon I can give my baby?". Hmm, I may be paraphrasing here but you get the point. So that's my food motto for the year.

That's the update, nothing new just daily routines. There's something very comforting about routine. Especially a routine with the ones I love.

And tomorrow it's my ma's 46th birthday! :) I sure hope I look like her at that age!

Good night and may this year bring more love and joy to us all.

And now it's time to watch some alien movie with my husband.