Friday 27 December 2013

Thursday 26 December 2013


The day after Christmas feels a lot like a Monday.

Our Christmas day was spent well. Good food and a peaceful energy around the house. We did the stocking tradition at breakfast and gifts right after. Note that baby boy was thoroughly spoilt with gifts from all over! From cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. And true to his baby boy nature he ended up playing with the boxes and wrapping paper instead. He's got his priorities straight.

The day was so eventful that I ended up crashing while nursing him to sleep at around 6pm. But not before chatting to my family back in SA. Ps: my brother is possibly the smartest person I know and it makes me happy to know that we can still comfortably chat for 2hrs on the phone and not run out of conversation.

I feel like every post is written in a rush these days. And there's so much I'd like to share. About the progress in crocheting - my mother in law says that I have a bright future in crocheting. Not in my wildest dreams have I ever even imagined hearing such words being directed my way. And the joy they give me makes me smile even harder. Oh and I'm going gaga on substituting facial products with things you can find in the kitchen. Seriously revolutionary. It deserves a proper full post. I've been walking around feeling quite pretty these days and I owe it all to honey. This probably makes no sense to you right now so I'll stop. Just know that raw honey used as a facial wash is the answer to flawless skin. Thank me later.

Besides that, it's life as usual,  reading ( cook books mainly), hanging out with baby boy, reading to him (he likes to turn the pages), Robdawg has been working super hard and his work ethic is being well recognized:), there's been long walks, a play date at the park - baby boy and I made new friends! Oh and there's the laundry...we can never forget the laundry.

I look forward to new years eve, I'm craving a good party. Music, good company and lots of dancing.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Quite Alright

It's Christmas Eve!

Don't you just love love this season. All the love, the "happy holidays" from strangers at the store, the acts of kindness,  just a beautiful time of the year. Possibly my favorite outside of my birthday month. Oh how I love a birthday celebration! Alright, back to the happy season. We're all good and grateful here in the Schamel household. Heavenly Father has blessed us beyond our own understanding. We are healthy, in love, raising a wonderful baby boy, there's amazing friends and a great family from the USA to SA. Really,  there's nothing to complain about. Besides chipped nail polish, all is well. My friend Roberta painted my nails while we were up at the cabin and after some chores I may need a touch up. That's the kind of a holiday we had - girl talk, good food, taking care of our kids, lounging by the fireplace, playing boardgames, pool, ping pong and being comfortable in one another's space. A weekend well spent.

Life is more than alright and for this and more, I am quite grateful.

Friday 20 December 2013


It's 3:20am and I just finished crocheting a hostess gift for a friend. She and her husband have invited us to spend few days with their family in a gorgeous cabin in the mountains. Last time we were there I was still pregnant with baby boy and this time she's the one pregnant. They already have two sweet little boys who say the cutest things. The oldest, when he was still 4yrs old, once asked his parents if my husband and I were brother and sister. But my favorite is the time he innocently told his dad "I wish Robber's name was Robert". That still makes me smile. Kids are a joy.

I sure hope baby boy will sleep throughout the long drive. Not likely but a girl can dream. And that's exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Life lately

This a continuation of life lately in pictures. Oh and I've also thrown in a bathroom selfie of a turban I had on for tonight's Pueblo ward Christmas party. And what a jolly affair it was. I MC'd the event hence the makeup, any excuse to dress up:) I feel like I'm writing in a rush and this is a good thing, I need more sleep - all the young moms nodding in agreement.

Here's to more hours of sleep and more exciting moments from baby's first week as an official walker! He walked up to me tonight while I was announcing something, looking super cute while concentrating on every step and not at all afraid of the crowd. If only we all had the confidence of a 14month old baba.


I LOVE MY MOTHER! No really,  she's awesome, she really is. We've just had a wonderful conversation and I walked away a better person. Thank you ma. My favorite quote from our chat were these wise words: keep your life baggage off the blog and let it be a pretty space, this will help you see the blessings in your life.

Momzy, you're a gem.

And ps: dear husband sang me a song last night, it was simple and perfect. He can't remember singing it since he was half asleep. But I loved it. And that's just one of the reasons why he's the love of my life.

Night night

Monday 16 December 2013

Ten days later

Well hello hello.

I've been excited about writing again and thought I'd torture you all with a massively long and detailed update. But unfortunately I got busy preparing the room next door for my husband's brother who's driving from California as we speak. It'll be interesting having the 3 Schamel boys (read men) under one roof. Everyone is in a transitional phase and Pueblo seems to be the place for fresh beginnings.

So for now just know that baby boy started to walk, as in proper full on walking! It all happened today and we have a video to prove it. He's now officially a walker - said while throwing streamers and confetti into the air!

There's so much on my mind. Processing it. And will write more tomorrow.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Dearly loved

I sit here with tears in my eyes. I've just heard about uTata. I'm shocked by my response to this news. I'm not sad. Just incredibly grateful. And overwhelmed with love and respect.

As many of you now know, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela passed away today at 95yrs of age. There's been an outpour of love from all around the globe as we remember a life well lived. While reading some of what has been written about uTata, I cannot help but wonder what will I tell my baby boy about this great man. A man who, along with many others, put his life on hold so that I could have a life. A man who spent 27yrs in prison so that I could indulge in the fruits of freedom. A man who did not see his own children grow up so that I could bring mine up in peace. A man who was married to the fight for equality so that I could be married to the love of my life.

What comes to mind is that death certainly puts life into perspective.

For those of you who are not well versed on the subject of South African history, look it up and you will see why the world mourns our Nelson.

His work on this earth is generational. May his legacy of forgiveness, love and never ending service continue to thrive among the people of South Africa. Oh how I wish I was home to celebrate his life with you. But I know that a prayer is more powerful than my presence.

Lala ngoxolo tata wethu. Phumla qhawe.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tuesday 3 December 2013

December, how you doing?

There's a Christmas tree and it's fabulous. Not a store bought tree but a real water those roots kind of a tree.

This passed Saturday we drove up to the mountains in search of a tree and after spotting horses, reindeers and taking unplanned detours (also known as getting horribly lost), we made it to the national forest...err I think that's what it's called. There were other families out on a similar mission and the atmosphere was real friendly, a lot of hellos, warm smiles and lots of waving. A definite two thumbs up for that small town welcome vibe.

And baby boy played in the snow for the first time! I can't write much about his reaction because well, frankly, there wasn't one to write about. You see, this boy of mine is a cool kid. First time experiences don't tickle him in the same way as they do his goofy mom. He is real chilled, like "yeah, so what, it's snow, big deal". And I'm like "we're on a mountain, daddy, grandpa and uncle Andrew are busy cutting down a Christmas tree, grandma Schamel is preparing hot chocolate and you're playing in the snow, This Is A Moment". He had that same chilled expressionless reaction to the slide at the park and when he got his stroller. The one thing that baby boy does get excited for is food! It's no wonder the Thanksgiving meal was a monumental Moment in his life. I know this because we have deep conversations all the time and he tells me such things. Call me the baby whisperer.

Truth, the real baby whisperer is his uncle Andrew who is baby boy's babysitter of choice. And we the parents are forever grateful for this lifestyle development. My hardworking husband had to work Saturday afternoon (not before helping me bake a cake for his home teaching family). With baby boy under grandpa and uncle Andrew's supervision, my mother in law and I attended a baptism and still managed to catch the last few minutes of the Parade of Lights downtown. Like a real kid I love lights, it doesn't take much to impress this girl. The parade was fun, cold and noisy oh and we lost the car. Then we found it after much exercise. I'm real good at losing cars in parking lots and I'm even better at losing phones. Although I haven't lost one in two years, thank goodness.

Overall, the weekend was a massive hit. The Broncos won which means dear Robdawg was in very high spirits on Sunday. Go Broncos! I really want to be an agreeable wife but I just can't seem to get into football. Whenever I watch it I secretly find myself wishing it was rugby instead. Or soccer, I can totally watch soccer...every four years. Hello 2014 World Cup!

Yesterday was a blur as husband worked all day which meant that I was on full time baby duty. A huge highlight not to be left out is that we finally purchased a bed. Can the church say amen! Our future is looking bright indeed. After many nights of makeshift sleeping arrangements, tossing and turning with increasing body aches that can leave one cranky with signs of premature aging, this bed is the twinkle in my eye, the whip cream on my pumpkin pie. You may attest my future perkiness to the good people at Tempur-pedic and those wonderful Black Friday deals. Yes! Yes! Yes! We are thankful for markdowns.

Now for today. Whooo. A lot of catching up here.

Well today was a mommy and baby boy lunch date. Because, for some crazy twisted let's torture mommy reason, baby boy decided to wake up at the crack of dawn. The day started far too early for my liking. Nevertheless, I pulled my grouchy morning self together and managed to get my to do list done by 8am. After a much needed morning nap, the two of us set out for a yummy shared lunch of chicken fingers and chips/fries at a restaurant down the road. The place had that American diner feel to it, topped with regulars sitting at the counter ordering "the usual". And it seems wherever we go, citizens of Pueblo are inclined to giving a sweet loving moment to baby boy. His cuteness also scores us freebies and today it was ice cream:) yum! After spending some time at the library we decided to come home as according to the weather forecast snow was to be expected. It's now passed 10pm and still no snow.

Later in the evening we helped grandma and uncle Andrew with the Christmas tree decorations. We did this while listening to some pretty carols. And I managed to make some progress on the crocheting lessons. Tis the reason to be jolly indeed.

Happy holidays!

Monday 2 December 2013

Raising a boy

I'm raising a boy. A responsibility indeed. I'd like him to grow up to be a good man, like his father. Even though I may have many dreams for baby boy, I also know and understand that he is his own person. He will make his own decisions. The best I can do is be a mom who is present. One who sees value in living by example.

My position as a primary influencer will probably expire somewhere between 18 and 20. After that I suppose it is likely that I'll be placed in a consultant role. Hopefully the grown up in me will not take offense to such developments but instead realise that children grow up. And when they do, I should also remember that it is ok to allow them to be adults.

Certainly this is no easy adjustment for any parent, as some of us moms are closet micro managers. We want everything done our way right now because I said so and I've lived for such and such number of years so I know better. Really? Well, we might know some things but I don't think that we can confidently say we know better. Because your life, even with similar experiences, could never really tailor fit mine, right? The generational gap in parent and child alone says so.

Is it possible that an often overlooked element of good parenting is a decent chunk of some good'ol humility? Maybe if we step outside of our know it all persona we will find opportunities to learn a little bit more about ourselves and others. Being someone's mother does not mean that your growth has reached its peak.

Our children are here for a reason. Not just to populate the earth and drink up all the milk in the fridge (or in my case, all the milk in my ahem breast). Could it be that we are given these kids for our own betterment?

This is by no means a fresh idea, it's as stale as frozen bread. But an idea nonetheless.